The Perfect Skincare Routine for Acne

Acne is one of the most common skin diseases in teenagers and young adults worldwide. Often, pimples appear in painful clusters that are stubborn and distressing to deal with. These acne breakouts start as red painful bumps and sometimes turn into yellowish pus filled bumps as a result of intense inflammation. Also, acne can make your skin sensitive and reactive to many skincare products

How does it occur? 

Acne is generally caused by inflammation in the pilosebaceous unit (area that anchors hair follicles and sebaceous gland). Further, the gland secretes sebum, an unwanted oily substance that lubricates the skin. This sebum overproduction leads to acne vulgaris, clogging the sebaceous gland and further causing bacterial infection. 

Treating Acne

The foremost thing to do while treating acne is determining how bad it is. Severe cases of acne can only be treated in a dermatologist’s clinic. Though for the initial stages of acne, you can try to follow these few steps for a better skincare routine. 

  1. Try not washing your face more than twice a day. This can cause skin irritation, clogged pores and dryness. 
  1. Use gentle cleansers for washing your skin everyday. It is advised to keep your skin hydrated during acne.  
  1. Avoid using harsh chemical products in your daily routine. Using medically prescribed face washes or moisturisers can help your skin heal faster after a breakout. 
  1. Use sunscreen when going out. Direct sun exposure to acne prone skin will only worsen the condition. It can further make it harder for your medication to work well on your skin. 
  1. Using salicylic acid and Benzoyl peroxides in your daily routine. These two compounds can help you exfoliate your skin better and kill bacterias. 
  1. When acne irritates your skin, try to apply ice on it and let it rest for a few minutes. Applying ice is beneficial for curing acne redness and reducing pain. Make sure you use a clean and dry cloth to gently dab on your face. 

Self treatment of acne generally comprises over-the-counter medication, dietary plans and sometimes exercises and yoga. These methods will be fruitful for the mild cases but not the severe ones. Acne vulgaris can have detrimental effects and complications, if not attended well. 

According to a study, most acne patients face social withdrawal, anxiety, depression and low self esteem. Such cases can be solved by educating people on seeking professional help and getting regular check ups. Get a skin specialist immediately to look after you, if such is the case. Dermasure Hair & Skin Clinic is one of the best in Delhi NCR for any type of skin treatment. Led by Dr Shirin Bakshi, this place is the one stop solution for your acne problems. 

Acne is a natural occurrence that is unavoidable and is faced by most teenagers as well as adults in their lifetime. For any severe acne problem, the most effective method is to see a skin specialist immediately. Acne treatments offered by Dermasure Clinic, one of the best Skin Clinics by Dr Shirin Bakshi, are considered helpful by many. The acne scar removal treatment offered by Dermasure Hair & Skin Clinic is a proven method that helps you get rid of the scars quickly in an effortless and painless manner.  

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